Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea would not
have been the same without the presence of Paul Trinka, who, for four
years portrayed seaman Patterson - one of Seaview's many crewmen
without a first name. That piece of trivia notwithstanding, we actually
know more about "Patterson" than we do about Trinka. We
do know that Paul Trinka was an avid motorcycle enthusiast. Also,
in addition to his acting chores on Voyage,
Trinka had a second job, as maitre d' in a Hollywood restaurant called
The Aware Inn. According to his fellow castmates, Trinka had
a bit of wanderlust in him. After Voyage finished
up each season, Trinka would get on a plane and head beyond the blue
horizon. He travelled to Tahiti and other exotic places, before it
was in vogue to do so. He usually came back broke, but he came back
happy. And he encouraged his friends to try the experience. Although
Paul Trinka died very young (aged just 41 on 28th December 1973), it is clear he managed to live his life
to the fullest.